Thursday, June 29, 2023
The Casting Process of Agatha Christie’s The Murder of Roger Ackroyd
We sat down with Brandon Weinbrenner, our Associate Producer and Casting Director to talk about the casting process within our Resident Acting Company for our upcoming Summer Chills show, Agatha Christie's: The Murder of Roger Ackroyd. Here is what Brandon had to say regarding the process and consideration that was taken to craft this marvelous story!
Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Unmasking the Laughter: The Importance of Commedia dell’arte Masks
In the uproarious world of The Servant of Two Masters, the iconic commedia dell'arte masks take center stage, adding a unique layer of charm and character. The masks worn in the Alley’s production by Pantalone de'Bisognosi, Dottore Lombardi, Brighella, and Truffaldino are beautifully hand-crafted from wood and leather by the talented Antonio Fava.
Monday, June 26, 2023
From Commedia Dell’arte to Pop Culture
Commedia dell'arte has impacted modern pop culture tremendously. From the stock characters to the exaggerated physicality, roots of commedia dell’arte can be seen in many movies and TV shows.
Thursday, June 22, 2023
Who was Agatha Christie: A Woman of Mystery
When you hear the name Agatha Christie, you immediately think of whodunnits. Christie has become a legend in the genre for her captivating plots, iconic characters, and just enough clues to make the audience think they have solved the mystery right before serving an unforgettable plot twist.
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Reflections of Artistic Director Rob Melrose: Adaptor, Translator, and Director
I can hardly contain my excitement in sharing with Houston audiences my two greatest passions: commedia dell’arte and the city of Venice. Commedia dell’arte is a form of drama that originated in Italy from 1550-1750 featuring stock characters wearing masks and improvised comedic bits called lazzi (from the same root as the word lasso because they tie the play together). Cartoons, sitcoms, and the comedies of Shakespeare, Molière, and Goldoni all have their roots in commedia dell’arte.