Anonymous (6)
Dr. and Mrs. George Abdo
Sandy and Russ Andorka
Dian Austin and Sandy Altman
Estate of William Guy Barrow+
Joelle Berlat
Stephen Bishop
Andrew Bowen and EfraĆn Corzo
Janice Kraus Brisack+
Gerald T. Burgess Trust+
Patricia and Larry A. Campagna
Estate of Nan Coffman+
Christy and Lou Cushman
John and Aline Deming+
Kim and Richard Diaz
Ellena P. Dickerson
Joyce and Trey Evans
Estate of Frank R. Eyler+
John Eymann
Elen Hudspeth Flores+
Nancy D. Giles
Dean R. Gladden
Estate of Tarrant Hancock+
Ann Hayes Hasselmo
Estate of Dorothy Cooke Hayes+
Estate of Patricia Peckinpaugh Hubbard+
Greg Ingram
Mr. and Mrs. Raul Irizarry
Valerie A. Jalufka
Josephine and Phil John
Charlotte Harrison Jones
Barbara and Raymond Kalmans
Kathryn and Jim+ Ketelsen
Beth and Britt Langford
Carol and Michael Linn
Cindy Macias
Larry and Diane
Peterson Mathis
Nancy and Rob+ Martin
Jackie and Malcolm Mazow, MD
Charlotte M. Meyer and Russell J. Miller
Drs. Kerry Noack and Eric Wilson
John and Leslie Niemand
Kathy and John Orton
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund and Megan Pantuliano
Jerre Paseur
Estate of Howard Pieper+
Sue Pilko
Don Poole
Debbie Quinn-Magid
Ellen and Edward+ Randall III
Martin P. Rappaport, M.D.+ and Bethany A. Rappaport, R.N., MSN, GNP
Shirley and Don+ Rose
Kay Ross
Estate of James K. Schooler+
Mark S. Seavers
Robert and Sarah Shaw
Nancy B. Shelby in memory of Charles M. Macko+
Andrew Smith and Brian Savard
Susan Snider Osterberg
Estate of Marsha Harris Solomon+
Alton and Carolyn Warren
Jesse Weir and Roberto Ayala+
Michael Weller
Shari and Gary Winston
Mary Kay Wittrock
Karen and Gerald Woolf
Cecily+ and Jim Young
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