Tag: Anton Chekhov - Alley Theatre Skip to Content

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Acclaimed Co-Translator on Chekhov and Little Comedies

I am pretty sure that Anton Chekhov never imagined an entire evening of five of his short plays, some which he subtitled ‘a joke’ or ‘a vaudeville.’ He did not write them to make up an evening.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Sounds of Chekhov: Insights from Tony Award-winning Little Comedies Sound Designer, Scott Lehrer

Very often the first question audiences have upon walking into a Richard Nelson production is, “what’s up with all those hanging microphones?”

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Resident Acting Company member Chris Hutchison on Anton Chekhov

Little Comedies, thanks to Richard’s trust in the actors, in the plays, and in you, our audience, is determined to give us both: A great show and a beautiful simplicity in performance, design and concept.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Unveiling Alley Theatre’s Little Comedies: An Experiment in Theatrical Fusion

I am pretty sure that Anton Chekhov never imagined an entire evening of five of his short plays, some which he subtitled ‘a joke’ or ‘a vaudeville.’ He did not write them to make up an evening.

Friday, September 1, 2023

Uncle Vanya: Translating with the Pevears

Sometime around 2003, I picked up a copy of what I had known as The Devils, but here had the title of Demons. This was the first translation I read by the translating team (and married couple), Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky. Almost immediately I ‘heard’ the voice of another Dostoevsky, one totally human, subtle, alive, and at times very funny.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Anton Chekhov’s Quirky Comedy: A Fresh Spin on Laughter and Its Modern Ripple Effect

In the world of literature, there's nothing quite like the subtlety of humor. While comedy has evolved over the centuries, some voices, like Anton Chekhov's, stand out for their uniqueness. Behind his works lie characters and narratives that challenge the norms of laughter. His comedy uses subtlety, tragicomedy, and the mundane.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

How Anton Chekhov’s Life influenced his Little Comedies

If you're a theatre fan, you've probably heard the name Anton Chekhov tossed around like confetti...