Staging STEM (+) - Alley Theatre Skip to Content

“These lessons are invaluable; we were able to garner so much information that will help us with our standardized exams. This program should be instituted in every 5th grade classroom in Houston ISD.”
-Mr. Zarate, Wharton Dual Language Academy, 5th grade Science Teacher


Primary Programs Co-Manager


Staging STEM (+) is meeting the challenges of your educational moment. Our work promotes emotional development as well as English Language Arts, literacy, social studies, science, math, and much more.

  • TEKS aligned curriculum – with pre- and post-residency assessments.
  • No extra time – integrated into your teaching.
  • Joyful learning environment – promotes learning for both teachers and students.
  • Affordable
    • Title 1 Budgets – address gaps in learning
    • PTO support


  • Social Emotional Learning and Executive Function practiced while learning.
  • Customizable and Tailored to suit your STAAR goals.
  • Led by professional Teaching Artists.
  • One and Two Week Residences for 40-60 minutes a day.
  • Professional Development available.

How Staging STEM (+) Works

  • Curriculum Reinforcement: Comprehensive TEKS-based curriculum is tailored specifically for you and your team through in-depth discussion about classroom needs.
  • Engagement: Students of all learning styles are physically and mentally engaged.
  • Classroom Joy: Team-oriented theatre skills encourage students to engage their voices, bodies, and creativity – providing an active, hands-on learning experience that reaches diverse types of learners across core subjects.
  • Social Skills: Ensemble and theatre skills help reinforce and establish interpersonal skills through social-emotional learning.