Nina Vance Legacy Society - Alley Theatre Skip to Content

Nina Vance Legacy Society

Charter Members as of February 8, 2024

Anonymous (6)
Dr. and Mrs. George Abdo
Sandy and Russ Andorka
Dian Austin and Sandy Altman
Estate of William Guy Barrow+
Joelle Berlat
Stephen Bishop
Andrew Bowen and EfraĆ­n Corzo
Janice Kraus Brisack+
Gerald T. Burgess Trust+
Patricia and Larry A. Campagna
Estate of Nan Coffman+
Christy and Lou Cushman
John and Aline Deming+
Kim and Richard Diaz
Ellena P. Dickerson
Joyce and Trey Evans
Estate of Frank R. Eyler+
John Eymann
Elen Hudspeth Flores+
Nancy D. Giles
Dean R. Gladden
Estate of Tarrant Hancock+
Ann Hayes Hasselmo
Estate of Dorothy Cooke Hayes+
Estate of Patricia Peckinpaugh Hubbard+
Greg Ingram
Mr. and Mrs. Raul Irizarry
Valerie A. Jalufka
Josephine and Phil John
Charlotte Harrison Jones
Barbara and Raymond Kalmans
Kathryn and Jim+ Ketelsen
Beth and Britt Langford
Carol and Michael Linn
Cindy Macias
Larry and Diane
Peterson Mathis
Nancy and Rob+ Martin
Jackie and Malcolm Mazow, MD
Charlotte M. Meyer and Russell J. Miller
Drs. Kerry Noack and Eric Wilson
John and Leslie Niemand
Kathy and John Orton
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund and Megan Pantuliano
Jerre Paseur
Estate of Howard Pieper+
Sue Pilko
Don Poole
Debbie Quinn-Magid
Ellen and Edward+ Randall III
Martin P. Rappaport, M.D.+ and Bethany A. Rappaport, R.N., MSN, GNP
Shirley and Don+ Rose
Kay Ross
Estate of James K. Schooler+
Mark S. Seavers
Robert and Sarah Shaw
Nancy B. Shelby in memory of Charles M. Macko+
Andrew Smith and Brian Savard
Susan Snider Osterberg
Estate of Marsha Harris Solomon+
Alton and Carolyn Warren
Jesse Weir and Roberto Ayala+
Michael Weller
Shari and Gary Winston
Mary Kay Wittrock
Karen and Gerald Woolf
Cecily+ and Jim Young

For more information about supporting Alley Theatre, please contact or 713.315.3392.

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