Usher Positions - Alley Theatre Skip to Content

Read the descriptions below for a breakdown of what each usher position is responsible for.

Hubbard Theatre

The Hubbard Theatre is our larger performance space. Seating 778 audience members this venue has more positions for volunteers to take part in.

Scanner (up to 3 ushers)

  • This position has 2 locations: at the bottom of the stairs or near the elevator on the third floor.
  • Here you are responsible for scanning each guest’s ticket and welcoming them into the lobby.
  • If there is an issue with the ticket it is your responsibility to send the guest back to Guest Services to pick up a fresh copy of their ticket.
    • This will be displayed on the scanning device screen in a red box, with a coordinating series of beeps.
    • Messages for a defective ticket include “ticket suspended by reprint”, “wrong date/time” & “ticket returned”.

Greeter (1 usher)

  • This position stands at the top of the stairs to greet guests as they enter the Long Lobby.
  • Here you are responsible for welcoming guests, passing out playbills, and answering any questions a guest may have.
    • Common questions include “where is the restroom?” and “how long is the performance”.

Director (1-2 ushers)

  • This position is located in front of the main doors to the theatre.
  • Here you will be responsible for directing guests to the entrance that is closest to their ticketed seats.
    • Section 1 = South Entrance
    • Section 2 & Section 3 (Lower Seat Numbers) = Ken and Mady Kades Entrance
    • Section 3 (Higher Seat Numbers) & Section 4 = Kitty King Powell Entrance
    • Section 5 = North Entrance

Assisted Listening Devices (1 usher)

  • This position is located at the desk at the top of the stairs.
  • Here you are responsible for checking out Assisted Listening Devices to guests that may need hearing assistance, and appropriately recording each guest’s information.
  • You are also responsible for returning here during intermission (if applicable) & post-show to continue assisting guests.

Aisle (up to 4 ushers)

  • This position can be located at the top of each of the four aisles inside of the theatre (1-2, 2-3, 3-4, or 4-5).
  • Here you are responsible for showing people to their seats.
  • If you are stationed at the 1-2 or 4-5 aisles, you may be responsible for operating the ADA Lift.

Lift (up to 2 ushers)

  • This position is located at each ADA Lift inside the theatre.
  • Here you are responsible for operating the ADA Lift for any guest needing this service to reach their ticketed seat.
  • You are also responsible for returning here during intermission (if applicable) & post-show to continue assisting guests.

Stage (1 usher)

  • This position is located in front of the stage.
  • Here you are responsible for protecting the stage from guests that may want to touch different design elements (including but not limited to props/set pieces, stage lights, and speakers) or physically get on the stage.

Neuhaus Theatre

The Neuhaus is our smaller black box style performing space. Seating 298 audience members and a variety of stage setups this theatre holds different options for usher positions than the Hubbard Theatre.

Stair Greeter (1 usher)

  • This position is located at the bottom of the stairs.
  • Here you are responsible for welcoming guests into the space, offering them playbills, and answering any questions that audience members may have.

Door Greeter (1 usher)

  • This position is located at the tunnel-level entrance leading into the Mitchell Lobby.
  • Here you are responsible for determining if audience members are here for the Neuhaus performance or another one so that we can assist them in getting to the correct location.
    • This could include the Hubbard theatre or another venue.
  • You are also responsible for the same duties as the stair greeter: welcoming guests into the space, offering them playbills, and answering any questions that audience members may have.

Scanner (1-2 ushers)

  • This position is located at the doors to the theatre.
  • Here you are responsible for scanning each guest’s ticket and welcoming them into the lobby.
  • If there is an issue with the ticket it is your responsibility to send the guest back to Guest Services to pick up a fresh copy of their ticket.
    • This will be displayed on the scanning device screen in a red box, with a coordinating series of beeps.
    • Messages for a defective ticket include “ticket suspended by reprint”, “wrong date/time” & “ticket returned”.

Director (1 usher)

  • This position is located at the top of the aisle leading into the theatre.
  • Here you will be responsible for directing guests to the Section for their ticketed seats.
    • In the round, these sections are West, North, East, South
    • In the thrust, these sections are West, Northwest, South, East, Northeast
    • You can see the written designation for each section by looking at the top of the wall of each seating block

Stage (3-4 ushers)

  • This position is located around the edge of the stage. This means that you could be stationed at Sections South, East, West, or North (when applicable).
  • Here you are responsible for protecting the stage to make sure that neither the integrity of the set is changed or an audience member hurts themselves from the set. You are also responsible for helping audience members locate their ticketed seats.