Behind the Scenic Design of Dial M for Murder
By Scenic Designer Marcelo Martínez García
Welcome to The Wendice Flat. Grab a drink, get comfortable, and let’s talk about MURDER.
You are now looking at a slice of an old Victorian city house in Maida Vale that has been recently renovated into a fabulous, ground floor, mid-century duplex flat. Complete with a sunken living room and access to a foggy London front garden, this space is perfect for entertaining guests and throwing soirees. It is also a crime scene.
This is the home of Tony and Margot Wendice, but is it really a home? What secrets are hidden behind such an estate? What is looming above them?
For the Scenic Design of Dial M for Murder, we wanted to create a space that would emphasize the thrill of a murder mystery, harnessing the power of Hitchcock and film noir. We’ve intentionally chosen materials that allow bodies to be seen in silhouette, distorted, revealed behind seemingly flat surfaces, and the unknown beyond.
MURDER is spelled out from the beginning of the story and we’re making it clear with a bold, giant, light-up sign inspired by London night life and theaters.
Don’t forget to bring your umbrella, looks like it is going to rain.
Dial M for Murder runs May 31 – June 30. Get your tickets here!