Play Makers Camper Forms - Alley Theatre Skip to Content

Thank you for your interest in Alley Theatre Education & Community Engagement (Alley ECE) programs. Please fill out the following information and a member of our team will contact you soon with more details.

Tell us more about your child! Please be sure to fill out one questionnaire per camper. Release forms must be received prior to camp participation. If you have a concern about agreeing to any of the enclosed releases, please contact Elena Valladolid-Rivera at to discuss questions and options.

Parent Information

Camper Information

For Spring Break camps, select their current grade level. For Summer camps, select their rising grade for Fall 2023.
Check all that apply if registered for more than one.
Camper's Preferred Pronouns(Required)

Emergency Contact/Approved Pick-Ups

Medical Information

We will always call 911 and contact the parent/guardian if there is a medical emergency.

Camp Policies & Agreements


CONSENT AND RELEASE On behalf of the Camper, myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, I hereby consent to the Camper’s participation in the Program and I release, hold harmless and forever discharge The Alley Theatre (the “Theatre”) and its officers, owners, agents and employees, of and from any and all liability and claims, for damages, expenses, personal injury or death, which may arise in the future, related to, connected with, or growing out of participation in the Program, including, but not limited to, liability and claims arising from the negligence or gross negligence of the parties hereby released. I understand that the Theatre does not provide any hospitalization or medical insurance to cover the Camper for hospital or medical expenses incurred related to participation in the Program and I am solely responsible for the payment of any and all hospital and/or medical bills. I consent to any first aid care that the Theatre provides for the Camper, but I understand that the Theatre is not obligated to provide any such care.

CONSENT AND RELEASE On behalf of the Camper, myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, I hereby consent to the Camper’s participation in the Program and I release, hold harmless and forever discharge The Alley Theatre (the “Theatre”) and its officers, owners, agents and employees, of and from any and all liability and claims, for damages, expenses, personal injury or death, which may arise in the future, related to, connected with, or growing out of participation in the Program, including, but not limited to, liability and claims arising from the negligence or gross negligence of the parties hereby released. I understand that the Theatre does not provide any hospitalization or medical insurance to cover the Camper for hospital or medical expenses incurred related to participation in the Program and I am solely responsible for the payment of any and all hospital and/or medical bills. I consent to any first aid care that the Theatre provides for the Camper, but I understand that the Theatre is not obligated to provide any such care.

As of November 2022, masking, vaccinations, and social distancing are not required of Alley Theatre audience members or students. This policy will remain in effect while community transmission levels are low. Should community transmission levels rise, Alley Theatre maintains the right to update its policy in accordance with CDC recommendations and state and local advisement. By selecting “I agree,” Conservatory students and parents acknowledge and agree to follow all Alley COVID-19 Safety Protocols at a given time. Should the situation change, Conservatory tuition will not be refunded to families who chose not to follow updated protocols.